**advised student, ††advised postdoc, *student, †postdoc
Submitted/in review:
33. Rychert, C.A., Dai, Y., Ozaydin, S., Debayle, E., Harmon, N., Chin, E.J., Conrad, C.P., Hirth, G., Naif, S., Selway, K., Artemieva, I., An interdisciplinary view of the dynamic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, under review at Nature Geoscience
32. **Gruber, B.H., Nicklas, R. W., Day, J.M.D., Chin, E.J., Bernard, R.E., Ren, M, Origin of Fabrics and Olivine Chemical Variations Preserved in Ferrous Oxide-Rich Achondrites, in revision for Meteoritics and Planetary Science
31. ††Worthington, J., Chin, E.J., Palin, R.M., Metasomatism of the lower crust can drive anorogenic plateau formation, in revision for Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Accepted, in press, published:
30. †Liu, T., Chin, E.J., Shearer, P.M. (2023) Strong Physical Contrasts across Two Mid-lithosphere Discontinuities beneath the Northwestern United States: Evidence for Cratonic Mantle Metasomatism, accepted in AGU Advances
29. †Ferrand, T.P. & Chin, E.J. (2023). Garnet pyroxenites explain high electrical conductivity in the East African deep lithosphere. Lithos, p.107405.
28. Lee, C.T. & Chin, E.J. (2023). Cratonization and a journey of healing: From weakness to strength. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 624, p.118439
27. **Gruber, B. H., Chin, E. J., Le Roux, V., (2023). Evolution of microstructural heterogeneity in the deep arc lithosphere during delamination. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (7), e2022JB025661
26. ††Bernard, R. E., Chin, E. J., Murphy, C. (2023). Melt-assisted deformation in the lower crust of an active plate boundary, Baja California. Lithos, 438, 106975
25. *Zuo, J., Webb, A. A. G., Chin, E.J., Ackerman, L., Harvey, J., Haproff, P.J., Müller, T., Wang, Q., Hickman, A. H., Sorger, D., Ramírez-Salazar, A. (2022). Earth’s earliest phaneritic ultramafic rocks: Mantle slices or crustal cumulates?. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, e2022GC010519.
24. †Jain, C., Rozel, A.B., van Hunen, J., Chin, E.J., Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba, Antonio, (in press), “Building Archean cratonic roots”, Frontiers in Earth Science
23. *Urann, B. M., Le Roux, V., Jagoutz, O., Müntener, O., Behn, M. D., & Chin, E. J. (2022). High water content of arc magmas recorded in cumulates from subduction zone lower crust. Nature Geoscience (26), 1-8.
22. Chin, E. J. & Palin, R. M. (2022). Water storage in cratonic mantle. Terra Nova, 34, 369– 380.
21. Condit, C. B., French, M. E., Hayles, J. A., Yeung, L. Y., Chin, E. J., & Lee, C.-T. A. (2022). Rheology of metasedimentary rocks at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC010194
20. Boneh, Y., Chin, E.J., Hirth, G., 2021. Microstructural Analysis of a Mylonitic Mantle Xenolith Sheared at Laboratory-like Strain Rates from the Edge of the Wyoming Craton. Minerals 11, 995. [pdf]
19. Chin, E.J., Chilson-Parks, B., Boneh, Y., Hirth, G., Saal, A.E., Hearn, B.C., Hauri, E.H., 2021. The peridotite deformation cycle in cratons and the deep impact of subduction. Tectonophysics 817, 229029. [pdf] (reduced size PDF)
18. Boneh, Y., Chin, E. J., Chilson-Parks, B. H., Saal, A. E., Hauri, E., Hearn Jr., C. B., Hirth, 2020, G. Microstructural shift due to post-deformation annealing in the upper mantle, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(3), pp.1-19, [pdf]
17. Chin, E. J., **Curran, Sean T., and G. Lang Farmer, 2020, Squeezing water from a stone: H2O in lower crustal granulites & deep hydrous fractional crystallization, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,, [pdf]
16. Mallik., A., Lambart, S., Chin, E. J., 2021, Tracking the evolution of magmas from heterogeneous mantle sources to eruption, accepted for publication In: Konter J., Ballmer M, Cottaar S, & Marquardt H. (Eds. ), Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions, in press at AGU books [pdf at arxiv]
15. Chin, E. J., Soustelle, V., Liu, Y., 2020 An SPO-induced CPO in composite mantle xenoliths correlated with increasing melt-rock interaction, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 278, p. 199-218 [pdf]
14. Chin, E.J., 2018. Deep crustal cumulates reflect patterns of continental rift volcanism beneath Tanzania. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173(10), p.85. [pdf]
13. Lee, C. T. A., Erdman, M., Yang, W., Ingram, L., Chin, E. J., & DePaolo, D. J., 2018. Sulfur isotopic compositions of deep arc cumulates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 500, 76-85. [pdf]
12. Chin, E.J., Shimizu, K., Bybee, G.M. and Erdman, M.E., 2018. On the development of the calc-alkaline and tholeiitic magma series: A deep crustal cumulate perspective. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 482, pp.277-287. [pdf]
11. Chin, E.J., Soustelle, V., Hirth, G., Saal, A.E., Kruckenberg, S.C. and Eiler, J.M., 2016. Microstructural and geochemical constraints on the evolution of deep arc lithosphere. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17(7), pp.2497-2521. [pdf]
10. Chin, E.J., Lee, C.T.A. and Blichert-Toft, J., 2015. Growth of upper plate lithosphere controls tempo of arc magmatism: Constraints from Al-diffusion kinetics and coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd chronology. Geochem. Perspect. Lett, 1, pp.20-32. [pdf]
9. Barnes, J.D., Beltrando, M., Lee, C.T.A., Cisneros, M., Loewy, S. and Chin, E.J., 2014. Geochemistry of Alpine serpentinites from rifting to subduction: A view across paleogeographic domains and metamorphic grade. Chemical Geology, 389, pp.29-47. [pdf]
8. Lee, C.T.A. and Chin, E.J., 2014. Calculating melting temperatures and pressures of peridotite protoliths: Implications for the origin of cratonic mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403, pp.273-286. [pdf]
7. Chin, E.J., Lee, C.T.A. and Barnes, J.D., 2014. Thickening, refertilization, and the deep lithosphere filter in continental arcs: Constraints from major and trace elements and oxygen isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 397, pp.184-200. [pdf]
6. Chin, E.J., Lee, C.T.A., Tollstrup, D.L., Xie, L., Wimpenny, J.B. and Yin, Q.Z., 2013. On the origin of hot metasedimentary quartzites in the lower crust of continental arcs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, pp.120-133. [pdf]
5. Lee, C.T.A., Luffi, P., Chin, E.J., Bouchet, R., Dasgupta, R., Morton, D.M., Le Roux, V., Yin, Q.Z. and Jin, D., 2012. Copper systematics in arc magmas and implications for crust-mantle differentiation. Science, 336(6077), pp.64-68. [pdf]
4. Tollstrup, D.L., Xie, L.W., Wimpenny, J.B., Chin, E.J., Lee, C.T. and Yin, Q.Z., 2012. A trio of laser ablation in concert with two ICP‐MSs: Simultaneous, pulse‐by‐pulse determination of U‐Pb discordant ages and a single spot Hf isotope ratio analysis in complex zircons from petrographic thin sections. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(3). [pdf]
3. Filiberto, J., Chin, E.J., Day, J., Franchi, I.A., Greenwood, R.C., Gross, J., Penniston-Dorland, S.C., Schwenzer, S.P. and Treiman, A.H., 2012. Geochemistry of intermediate olivine‐phyric shergottite Northwest Africa 6234, with similarities to basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 480 and olivine‐phyric shergottite Northwest Africa 2990. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47(8), pp.1256-1273. [pdf]
2. Chin, E.J., Lee, C.T.A., Luffi, P. and Tice, M., 2012. Deep lithospheric thickening and refertilization beneath continental arcs: Case study of the P, T and compositional evolution of peridotite xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada, California. Journal of Petrology, 53(3), pp.477-511. [pdf]
1. Lee, C.T.A., Luffi, P. and Chin, E.J., 2011. Building and destroying continental mantle. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 39, pp.59-90. [pdf]